Hot Tub Outtake Teaser from A Moment Changes Everything
by: heavyinfinity
She groaned and rolled her eyes before leaning back into me, pressing distracting little kisses to my neck. “Relax,” she whispered. “Just a little sore in a few delicate areas from all the unfamiliar activities this weekend, that’s all. I think I’ll take a good soak in the hot tub, after we finish molesting each other.”
“I’m so sorry, Sweets,” I whispered. “Are you sure you want to do this again, now? Where exactly are you hurting?”
“Jasper,” she said, her tone becoming slightly irritated, “I have a sore ass from ice skating and my thighs are feeling the burn from being wrapped around you while you screw me silly. I’m fine, and yes I want to this again, right now!”
I smiled in relief, realizing that she would hardly be in the mood again if she was truly in pain. “Well then,” I purred, as her tongue traced circles on my throat, “Why don’t we kill two birds with one stone and visit the hot tub right now?”
heavyinfinity has generously submitted the rest of this amazing outtake to the Fandom for Preemies Compilation. You can read it and so many more, by donating a minimum of $5 to the March of Dimes during the month of November. For more details on how to donate please click here! You may learn more about heavyinfinity and her fanfiction by clicking here.
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