Saturday, November 6, 2010

Compilaton Teaser: My Little Girl

My Little Girl
by: HeatherDawn

“I just can’t believe that after tomorrow she won’t be our baby anymore.”

“Of course she will, she’s our only daughter. She’ll always be our baby, just like Ty will always be our little guy.”

I wiped Bella’s tears away with my thumb as they had stopped falling for now and leaned in, giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. She turned so that I was spooning her and placed my hands on her lower abdomen.

“Do you ever wish we had more children?” she asked softly.

“Do I think about what our lives would be like had we tried for more children? Yes. Do I wish we had more than what we felt was right for us? No. Baby, we have two incredibly smart, healthy kids so I never wanted for anything. Especially since I had their gorgeous mother by my side every step of the way.”

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HeatherDawn has generously submitted the rest of this oneshot to the Fandom for Preemies Compilation. You can read it and so many more like it, by donating a minimum of $5 to the March of Dimes during the month of November. For more details on how to donate please click here! You may learn more about HeatherDawn and her fanfiction by clicking here.

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