Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Compilation Teaser: The Eyes That Shine

The Eyes That Shine
by: chicabonita51983

“There’s a reason why you woke me up, isn’t there?”

“Oh! Yeah.” Bella bit her bottom lip (which coincidentally only made Edward want to bite it for her) and took a breath before beginning her speech. “I’m worried, Eddie. Ever since you came home from school, you have been acting strangely around me. Always staring, and being quiet…” Now that she had started talking, she barely stopped to take a breath.

Taking a step forward, Edward attempted to interrupt, “Bella…”

He was unclear whether Bella was ignoring him or she was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she didn’t hear him. “I mean, I know you’re graduated now and going to go to college, and maybe you think I’m just a young kid now…”

“Bella.” Edward took another step closer.

“But I thought we could still be friends. I mean, I’m only two years behind you now, and I plan on going to college, and maybe we’ll end up going to the same place…”

“Bella.” His voice was more firm as he closed the distance between each other and placed his hand on her cheek.

She looked up at him under her eyelashes, afraid to see his expression. “Yes?”

“Shut up.”

* * *

chicabonita51983 has generously submitted the rest of this amazing oneshot to the Fandom for Preemies Compilation. You can read it and so many more like it, by donating a minimum of $5 to the March of Dimes during the month of November. For more details on how to donate please click here! You may learn more about chicabonita51983 and her fanfiction by clicking here.

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